In the State of Missouri for the adoption of a non-relative minor, the adoptive family is required to have a post placement period. This term refers to a minimum of six-months time from the granting of Temporary Legal Custody of a minor child, until such time six months have passed and the court hearing for finalization of the adoption is held. During the post placement period, Missouri regulations require that the social worker conduct a home assessment on a quarterly basis (at the 3 month and 6 month time frame) until such time the adoption is finalized.
During the post placement home assessments, the family is assessed as to their adjustment to parenthood, feelings toward the new child, ability to provide for the child’s care, and report upon any other significant life changes. The social worker also assesses the minor child’s adjustment to the adoptive placement and ensures the child’s physical and medical needs are being met and the child is thriving in his or her new environment of the adoptive family’s home and care. The social worker then develops a post placement report to be submitted to court at the time of the adoption finalization to ensure the judge that the child’s care and well being are provided by the adoptive parents.